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Dakota Access Pipeline Virtual Public Meeting

“If you have not yet sent in an official written comment, take action here:

“Despite several victories, the fight to shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) continues. After many years in court, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Earthjustice were able to get a court to order the Army Corps of Engineers to conduct a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This is what we’ve wanted — for the Corps to adequately consider the environmental impacts of DAPL — but there’s no guarantee the Corps will partner with the Tribe in a manner necessary to adequately consider DAPL’s impact.

“This is where you come in. Until Oct. 26, the Corps is starting what’s known as a “scoping phase” — a period where they will take the public’s comment about what impacts should be included in the EIS.

“Part of this comment period will be two virtual hearings on Facebook live where we all have a chance to tell the Corps how we feel about this project. Let's all show up for at least part of these virtual hearings to loudly tell the Army Corps #NoDAPL!

“Here's more information on the event hosted by the Army Corps: