Red Hill


Take Action

Support our efforts to force the Navy to relocate its jet fuel tanks at Red Hill away from Honolulu’s main aquifer.

  1. Ask your legislators to support shutting down the Red Hill fuel tank facility by sending them an email or giving their office a call. Use the talking points below.

Talking Points

  • The 80 year old Red Hill fuel tank facility has leaked more than 200,000 gallons of jet fuel into the ground since construction, most recently releasing 27,000 gallons of fuel in 2014—none of which was ever located or cleaned up.

  • The Red Hill fuel tanks themselves are situated a mere 100 feet above the primary aquifer for all of Honolulu proper, posing a major health and safety threat to communities from Pearl City to Hawaiʻi Kai.

  • As of now, the policy in Hawaiʻi is to allow the Navy to continue operating these tanks until 2045, far too long of a time-table to deal with such a critical threat. This bill would force the Navy to relocate or permanently shut down the tanks by 2028, a much more reasonable time frame.


2022 Bills We Support: Stay Tuned



The best resource for information on Red Hill is the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi, which maintains an entire section of their website dedicated to the issue here.